What is it all about?
The Pony Club is an international voluntary youth organisation for young people interested in ponies and riding. The Centre Membership Scheme was introduced in 1998 so that children and young people without their own pony could join and take part in Pony Club activities, tests and achievement badges. Membership is open to anyone up to 25 years of age.
The objectives of The Pony Club are:
- to encourage young people to ride and to learn to enjoy all kinds of sport connected with horses and riding
- to give instruction in riding and horsemastership and to educate Members to look after and to take proper care of their animal
- to promote the highest ideals of sportsmanship, citizenship and loyalty to create strength of character and self-discipline
It’s a bit like scouts or brownies but with ponies!
Tests and Achievement Badges

Pony Club tests are designed to improve riding ability and knowledge of horse and pony care. Starting at a basic level with the E Test members can progress through the Standards of Efficiency up to the A Test.
Progressive Tests at Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum in Riding and Stable Management may be taken on their own or together with the Standards of Efficiency.
Mini Achievement Badges for younger Members’ as well as both equine and non-equine Achievement Badges are designed to provide a fun way of learning a wide range of skills like first-aid, farming, map reading, saddlery, road safety and grooming.
Becoming a Member
Membership is payable directly to The Pony Club and costs £41 per year.
New members can now join via the Pony Club website: https://pages.pcuk.org/join Please make sure you select ‘Hill Farm Equestrian Centre’ for your centre or you might not show up on our records.
If you are already a Pony Club Centre Member and need to renew your membership, please go to https://pcuk.org/join-us/membership
Join the Fun
We run 2-hour pony club sessions on Saturdays and Wednesday Evenings (term-time only) which includes 1-hour riding and 1-hour stable management. Sessions are built around the Pony Club syllabus and are based on age and ability. We also run pony days and camps during the school holidays.
Shetland Pony Club
Time: 9am – 11am
Level: Working towards Pony Club Bronze Award. For beginners to those learning to canter.
Darties Pony Club
Time: 11:30am – 1:30pm
Level: Working towards Pony Club Silver & Gold Awards. All children need to be able to canter but may be at different stages within their canter.
Connies Pony Club
Time: 11.30am – 1.30pm
Level: Working towards Pony Club Gold & Platinum Awards. Advanced riders.
Pony Club: Beginner/Novice.
Time: 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Level: On lead rein up to learning to canter. Working on Bronze towards Silver awards.
Pony Club: Intermediate/Advanced
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Level: Cantering & jumping. Working on Gold and Platinum awards.
To find out more about the pony club visit www.pcuk.org